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I want to do better and be stronger and move on

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reasons To Be Happy

I liked Laban's blog (just like Han did) so i thought i would also do one.
I am in fact skipping uni to do this...

1: I am surrounded by people who love me and who i love.

2: I get along really well with my Dad, he is my favourite Dad :D

3: God has really been speaking to me through friends, sermons and books recently.

4: There are always more friends to be made and people to show God's love too!

5: I'm not going to uni today :D

6: Today i am going to make someone super happy just by taking photos of them and making the effort to see them.

7: Two weeks of holidays from tomorrow!

8: The weather is beautiful today

9: I have some really super close friends

10: Laban likes to watch Chuck with me

I thought i'd make it an even number. i could have gone on for awhile, which makes me even happier!